When Lauri said I could have my own colorway, I asked for shades of peacock blue and green with some dark burgundy thrown in. It's a tad hard to tell from these pictures, but that's exactly what I got, and it works beautifully in this simple lace pattern.
Doesn't look too shabby from the sole either. I cannot recommend Ruby Sapphire enough; they were enthusiastic, wonderful to work with, and I actually got what I wanted. (By the by, they're having a sale on bulky yarns in cute colorways, go look).
I wish I was spending more time on them, but when I'm able to do lace I've been trying to work on the Beaded Diamond Fantasy Shawl, also known as The Project In The Stitch N Pitch bag that I have been hiding from for months. I'm thinking that this impressive little bit of knitting might be county fair material, but only if I get it done before the needles rust around the yarn. In any case I'd like it done in time to send to my aunt for the holidays (hey, it will match her bitchin' socks).
Beautiful yarn and beautiful socks!
Yay, finally visited your blog - hooray! Gorgeous colorway, BTW, so clearly, you're just a very lovely sock.
Glad you're finally feeling well enough to get back to knitting!
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