Last Wednesday night the Husboy and I were reminiscing about our past Christmases together and what we had gotten for each other each year. At some point the conversation went like so:
Me: "What about your sweater I knit you?"
Him: "Oh yeah! I love that sweater!"
Me: "You've never worn it."
Him: "But the weather is perfect for it now."
Me: "Ha, you don't even know where it is."
Him: "What?"
Me: "You don't know where it is."
Him: "Yes I do, I think it's in the closet somewhere."
Me: "I'll tell you what. It's 7:02. If you can find it by 7:05 I will give you $50 dollars and (insert special marital activity here).
Poor thing didn't find it until 7:15, but he wore it out afterward and received many compliments. Little consolation for him, lots of giggling for me.
Oh, too funny! hubby still wants me to knit for him but I gently reminded he that he perspires a lot and that he hardly wears the ones I knitted him!
will husboy make up for it by wearing sweater to sts west?
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