Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm a Progress Knitter

I know, I know. Three blog posts in one day is too much...

But I have a contest!

See the poll on the side of the screen? Go ahead let the world know what kind of knitter you are and post a comment on this post letting me know you've participated (you don't have to comment with your vote, the whole thing is anonymous!). Everyone who contributes will be put into the running for something nifty.

No, I don't know what the nifty prezzie is yet... What do you expect, I've been posting all day!


Anonymous said...

I did it!

Shannon said...

I so don't see a link. I feel like a moron! Hahah!

Shannon said...

Nevermind, you need to be in the post itself. Doh! Definetely product!

Anonymous said...

Did the poll...not sure it's reassuring to knot I am the only knitter of my kind though. I'l have to come back to check later if some others are like me.