Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back in the Box

I know I just posted that Stinker was missing, but it has been reported that the Husboy brought our baby home less than an hour ago! Our downstairs neighbor informed him that she had just seen a cat matching Stinker's description on the corner. He was out a moment later, and after much cajoling, bribery, and not too much blood-letting he got her back in the house. She is now eating and acting like she didn't just scare the beejeezus out of us for a week. She is getting a name-tag stuck on her tomorrow, and is going to the vet for a full check-up as soon as possible.

I'm just so happy!


LegalBecca said...

I am so happy your cat was found!

Anonymous said...

hooray, stinker's back! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, thank goodness! I was worried about that little gal.

errs said...

Oh thank goodness! I'm so far behind I didn't even realize that Stinker was missing....

Jessie said...

I'm very very glad that she is safe at home again. Don't be to mad at her she just needed to go party.

aija said...

Yay for Stinker's return!