Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Second Place is First Loser

The HusBoy's birthday was last week (he gets older and older every year), and as usual we did what I wanted to celebrate. He took off of work and we went to the Los Angeles County Fair in the middle of the week. We had an altogether better time at the fair than we did last year, when we went on the last Sunday of the fair and entered through the fairway (yuck). This year we went through the Blue Gate, which goes straight to the animals, our favorite area.

As it turns out, we were the animals' favorite too. We were both mauled by goats in the petting zoo.

I am only grateful that someone warned me that three goats were trying to eat the back of my skirt (which is not made of any natural fibers whatsoever, thank you) before I was arrested for indecent exposure.

I witnessed my first shearing:

and learned the fate of my county fair entries:

I am very happy to get my little red ribbons for my first fair entries, but I can't help but be a tad disappointed with second place, especially with the shawl. I think my blocking was better and pattern more complex than the first place shawl, but since we do not get notes from the judges, I may never know why. The HusBoy couldn't be more proud of me, and bought me some hand-spun alpaca from the Heritage area in celebration.

In other news, only two more radiation treatments and I am done. Yippee! I cannot wait to get rid of this strange tan, but will miss having people draw on me everyday.

I have survived the first round of Hat Attack, but may not be home to receive my next weapons shipment, as my father is getting married this Saturday. Good times all around.

1 comment:

Catherine Kerth said...

Your post made me laugh so hard! about the goats..... LOL
I am so glad treatments are over... My dad still has two more weeks, then we'll throw a little elebration for him :)
LOVE the shawl! yes, how did that not win???? It was blocked beautifully!

Happy B-day husboy!