Monday, August 25, 2008

Ninja Knitter meets Kung Fu Panda

First of all, thanks to everyone who left a comment on the last post. I need to stop leaving these moody posts! All is pretty well now, my chest is technically medium rare from the radiation treatments, but the doctor gave me some new goo that should help the itchy red pain-iness.
This weekend the Husboy and I met up with his aunt, uncle, and baby cousin and went to go see Kung Fu Panda at the last-chance cheapie theater. The last movie we had gone to see was Sweeney Todd last December, so I was really looking forward to sitting in the dark and getting some movie knitting done on my dad's socks.

I am at the cuff of the sock now, which is 2x2 ribbing all the way around. Easy right? Well, I caught myself a few times with my count off and had to do some tinking, and I dropped a stitch during a night scene and had a heck of a time picking it back up, so I figured I would probably have to do some clean-up the next day.
Yet, when the lights came back up, there was not an error to be seen. Ninja Knitter - 1, Kung Fu Panda - 0.
And, in honor of the end of the Olympics (and because I haven't done it in a while), here is your daily dose of Stinker cuteness:

She's won gold in synchronized napping.


bubbebobbie said...

No way girlie girl, you post all that moodiness. How else do we know how to pray? And how else can you loudly suggest someone mop the darn floor. really we need to hear your heart, do not keep in under wrap.
I would mop it if I were there! And way to go on the 17 laps.
Because of Jesus, Bubbebobbie

Aunt Kathy said...

"Gold in synchronized napping" that was priceless

Anonymous said...

It's your you can write whatever you feel like! ;-) And sometimes I'm out of words...yep that can happen sometimes...shhhh..... and love the cat, I'm waiting to see the stinker turn on and do the flat belly dive :-D

Love the sock by the way :-)
take care.