Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jimmy Beans Made Me Cry

I met with my surgeon yesterday and mapped out a plan for my de-boobing next month. Today I called and made appointments with two plastic surgeons and did not make an appointment with a third (apparently my need for radiation treatments would ruin the aesthetic of his work). Then I sat down at my computer and checked my email, including one from Jimmy Beans Wool with the title "Becca's Last Day"...

Turns out that Becca's Last Day is a very nice limited-edition colorway from Lorna's Laces, but reading that line was just enough to pop that little stress bubble that's been building up and I started bawling. I've decided not to buy this yarn, if only because the overwhelming temptation to the Fates may be too much to resist (and it looks like an over-dyed version of last month's color, but that may just be me being catty).

A now calmer Becka has a Calmer boob:

Tit Bit (C), Rowan Calmer 474 Khaki, knit to 30 stitches per needle on US size 6 & 5

For someone trying to become a (drum roll please) Master Knitter, I have been blowing off gauge in favor of knitting for a while and then doing math to get the right size (we hope). It may not be the most efficient way, but I'm liking the resulting fabric, so there.

And watch out for Random Llama:

She spits.


Anonymous said...

I saw your tit-bit on Ravelry. I have had bilateral mastectomies for BC and did not want reconstruction. I had large breasts, so now I knit a small "C".
Good luck to you with your decision. It was easy for me, as I first developed BC at age 56 and the recommended treatment was a mastectomy. After about four years, I decided the second breast had to go! I am now an 11.5 year survivor and have never looked back.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girly. :) I still haven't made up my mind on the whole reconstruction thing either. I suppose it just depends on what the tissue looks like after radiation. :) As for the deboobing, I'd say it's not as bad as it sounds, but that's irresponsively presumptive. The surgery itself has a relatively quick recovery time, I actually knit in my room afterward. :) Anyway, it's going to be ok. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

er irresponsibly. Dang chemo brain.

errs said...

Ugh -- don't you hate it when the fates seem to conspire to make you crazy and that everything is not going your way???

It wasn't "your" last day but the idea of the last day of your boob. ;)

Huge hugs to you.

SagePixie said...

OH HOney! big ol hugs to you I saw this on ravelry and thought of you. I thought y'know Becca might want a pattern for when she's feeling a bit rowdy!

Love you!