Saturday, February 09, 2008

Getting Better All The Time

Hey folks! Thank you to everyone who sent me encouraging messages. I will respond to y'all individually if I can find your email addresses; blogger makes it such a pain to respond directly. I would have done it sooner, but I was waiting to see how bad it really was after all. I am happy to report that, after a week of being poked, prodded, and felt up, it has been determined that I am not going to die.

I'll give you a moment to dance around (I know I sure needed it).

Okay, ready? To be fair the news isn't all roses; I have a sneaky, no-good cancer that went all the way to stage three before displaying any symptoms. I don't want to make this a cancer blog, but I want everyone to be aware that you can have cancer without having a lump. You can have cancer when you're 27. You can have cancer while you're feeling just fine.

I also want everyone to know that you can nuke said cancer straight to Heck and live to further enhance your stash. I have not reached SABLE, I am not going anywhere. It's gonna be a hard road with lots of treatments and ickiness, so if you could keep those good thoughts rolling in it will be greatly appreciated! Regular blogging will return shortly, thank you for your patience!


aija said...

Good luck and good health to you! We'll be here when you're ready to blog (about anything) :)

sheep#100 said...

Warm thoughts!

And I like the template update on the blog, too.

errs said...

Can you tell that I'm catching up on blog posts backwards?

This is awesomely wonderful news! *Hugs*