Monday, June 12, 2006

Finishing and Gnomes

Guess what I did for KIP day?

Nuttin. I stayed in bed most of the day. I missed my CPR class and the knitting festivities. I woke up nauseous (like I have the last week or so), picked a fight with Boy, then slept and cried most of the day. Stressed anyone? The highlight of my day was working on the Chocolate Mariah and watching Jay-Low in Anaconda, a movie that might be even worse than this. Good news, I am up to the hood on Mariah. Bad news, Ice Cube had a pimp-limp in both legs... Oh, and no pictures yet.

So, Sunday I'm better and Boy and I are friends again, so he talks me into going to another insane party at his aunt & uncles house, hereafter referred to as the Land of the Lawn Gnomes. (It's okay, most of them don't even know I have a blog). Boy's family is very sweet, but what I wouldn't give to put the bunch of silly short people in pointy red hats! So, while I'm watching the little gnomes run around the yard while the big gnomes stare and giggle at them, I'm working on the damn Ribbles... And then I'm done. Ends woven in and everything. No picture of them yet either, you have to wait until I get Jessie to try them on. In the gnomes' defense, I had a great time eating myself silly at the party. And, most of the sock was done at Disneyland on Wednesday; the line for Space Mountain must have lasted 4 pattern repeats!

SOS Update

I'm finally getting paid to do all this disciplining and mentoring I'm doing at work now, so I got a big chunk of back pay, just in time to not buy yarn! So, I went ahead and got something I have been wanting forever: the One Skein Wonder and Bulky Green Cables patterns from Glampyre! Okay, they were not expensive at all, but it feels like such a treat!

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