Thursday, August 02, 2007

Actual Progress

Believe it or not, progress!

I did the math and cast-on for a sock last night and look what I got done today! That's at least half a footsie of stockinette staring at you so alluringly. The Koigu KPPPM that I won during a contest on Aija's blog about a million years ago was soooo worth the wait. It is soft, the colors are dazzling, and it seems to have held up pretty well after I had to rip all this beautiful progress out. Apparently, either my old sock measurement is inaccurate or I've lost an inch off my foot.
But I'm cool with it either way. I've re-cast on and am now reknitting the foot with dramatically reduced measurements. I'm just happy to have a nice zombie-knitting project back in the purse.

Speaking of progress, I've been lucky enough to make it to two knit-nights in a row! Yay me!

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